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2023-11-18 Faichney wedding 002_edited_e

"This is my commandment: 'Love one another, as I have loved you.'"
- John 15 : 12


Marriage is a beautiful sacrament by which the spouses join themselves for life to one another in an unbreakable bond of love.

If you wish to get married in St Andrews or Crail you should, in the first instance, contact Fr Patrick to discuss the requirements for your marriage in the Catholic Church. It is necessary to do this at least 6 months prior to your proposed wedding.

To help you prepare for this wonderful sacrament, the Church offers marriage preparation courses which seek to explore the beauty of the Church's teaching on marriage and sexuality. 

To find out the dates and times of marriage preparation courses in the Archdiocese, please follow this link: Marriage Preparation

or, if you are not resident in Scotland, please speak to Fr Patrick.

It is necessary to complete a marriage preparation course before you can get married in the Catholic Church.

Couples who live outside of the Parish but who would like to get married in either St James' or in Crail, are welcome to do so. Please contact Fr Patrick to check the availability of the church before booking a venue for your reception.



There is no charge to receive the Sacrament of Matrimony.

However, those who are not parishioners of either St Andrews or Crail are asked to make an offering of £500 which is used to support the running of this small parish.

In order to secure your wedding booking, it is necessary to submit a non-refundable deposit of £200 along with your Registration for Christian Marriage form; click here.


More Information About Getting Married in St Andrews

To discuss music and an organist, please contact Victoria Costa (Director of Music).

Scripture Readings for the Rite of Marriage

St James’ is a parish of the Archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh, registered charity No. SC008540

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